Our lifestyle has become more efficient thanks to digitalization including online banking, smart wallet, and home. But the ‘key’ industry still needs improvement.
All keys in one platform, for your easy and convenient access.
We wanted to get out of the inconvenience of managing several types of keys such as house keys, office card keys, car keys, etc. Thus, the One Master Key, KEYRING app was launched.
Safely stored personal information
The most important part in digital keys is strong security. To achieve this, KEYRING integrated blockchain technology. Our digital key is stored in the form of NFT in the blockchain network. The data stored in the form of NFT consists of encrypted data that can be identified by the digital key owner only, and it cannot be modified or hacked by an outside force.
Administrator page designed for easy use.
We wanted to make digital key management easier. After numerous tests, the most efficient administrator page was made. You may approve digital keys wherever, and whenever you want, and the space-specific administrator functions are provided.
An Innovative Total Solution for
Digital Key
Inconveniences in key management
Our lifestyle has become more efficient thanks to digitalization including online banking, smart wallet and home. But the ‘key’ industry still needs improvement.
All keys in one platform, for your easy and convenient access.
We wanted to get out of the inconvenience of managing several types of keys such as house keys, office card keys, car keys, etc. Thus, One Master Key, KEYRING app was launched.
Administrator page designed for easy use.
We wanted to make digital key management easier. After numerous tests, the most efficient administrator page was made. You may approve digital keys wherever, and whenever you want, and the space-specific administrator functions are provided.
Tel: 1833-6349 | Fax: 02-6919-1591 E-mail: support@thesesamelab.com Address: : 18F 396 Seocho-daero, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea 06619